Kevin and I have had the privilege over the years to have our home graced by soo many different type of people. Our home is known as the Marriott of the hood.(and suburbs at one time) So many coming and going, sharing their stories, sleeping on the sofa, eating and fellowshiping with us. I must confess, this is not easy, being hospitable can be a bit of a challenge for me. As I was talking with one of our guest last night, I was telling her how I really, really don't want to get to the point where I am doing something just to be doing it and robbing the LORD of His glory. You know, doing things out of habit and not as a living sacrifice acceptable to the LORD. She and I had the most precious conversation out on my front porch about the neighborhood,Gods character and all that HE has done. All that He has done??!! NOw..lets think about that....
I believe, once again my frustrations about being hospitable and having so many interruptions day in and day out may stem from me not going over in my mind ALL of the WORKS of GOD. I really need to change my way of thinking. Not remembering ( and not being THANKFUL) all that the LORD has done, is doing and will continue to do in the future has left me pretty grumpy at times. God has done some amazing things in our neighborhood, in our marriage, in our parenting, as well as in the lives of many of the college students that we see from day to day.......
Psalm 77:11-12
I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds.
I must remember....
-God's faithful,loving and sustainable GRACE that has kept Kevin and I together and faithful for the past 7 years
-One miracle child that the LORD has allowed us to steward for the past 6 years
-No matter how many people we feed God constantly provides for our family in abundance through family, friends, the Church, and supporters
- the neighborhood I once was fearful of moving into has now become home and I have gain tons of children,mothers,grandmothers and friends
-the teen girl who once thought God was a joke and just 'mean' for no reason is GROWING STRONGLY in her new walk with Him and carries such a sweet joy and excitement for the scriptures
-we witnessed our first wedding in the hood where both groom and bride( ex-gang bangers,drug dealers and accused with murder) are new Christians who GO HARD for the LORD on a daily basis...not only that but they are having such a huge impact on the community as well.
- we are (as a ministry and as individual families and singles) through the GRACE and will say this again..through the GRACE of God.. influencing a younger generation. We have the privilege to expose so, so many kids on a daily to the TRUTH of the Gospel. What a impact that will have on the community in the years to come.
- We have a ministry building that the LORD has given us and is being used in so many lives and in so many ways
-I have witnessed the thief no longer steal..but work
- I have met and talked with a prostitute that no longer sells her body but works honestly to take care of her child and now desires to teach him the Truth of Gods word.
- we have a full time counselor on staff with us who is able to accurately use Gods word to help heal those who are hurting in our neighborhood
-We have a pastor for our future church plant (who happens to be some very dear friends to us all) but as a staff we are more excited because we KNOW the LORD is goign to use HIm to reach so many people with the gospel
- Kevin and I serve along side some of the most LOVING, HONEST,COMPASSIONATE, GIVING, & FUNNY GOd lovers we have ever met..We are family and we are thankful for the closeness we share.
God is so patient with me in my forgetfulness and selfishness. So gracious so kind. I read today that..
Jesus gave Himself to God and to the world, not under coercion, but with gratitude.
That is my prayer, that I would do all that the LORD SOVEREIGNLY calls me to do, and that I would do it with gratitude and joy... just like JESUS. That I would learn to live contently in the moment than being anxious about the future or regretting the past.
I am hopeful this hour..I pray by Gods grace I stay there until her returns.