Bible: Boy, Have I got Problems (Book Of James study) Kay Arthur Inductive Study Series for Kids. (
Math- I decided to continue with Singapore Math. At first I was a little scared of this . LOL! It's very fast paced, and I didn't think my child would do well.But, she did and Math is her favorite subject. (was my worst in school-lol! Thanks Jesus!) It was a success with us last year so its a keeper!
Science- Considering God's Creation by Eagle Wings. I am excited about Science this year. Not only does this teach creation but it also has a section that brings in a Evolution thought and teaches your kids how to debunk it with the Truth! I love that!
English- Building Christian English Series- Rod and Staff
Lit./Reading- Sonlight 2 Reader Packages and Literature ( will go to local library to find most books)
Spelling- Building Spelling Skills- Christian Liberty Press
HIStory- TruthQuest History -American History for Younger Student I (Exploration-1800)
P.E.- Ballet
Art- Still searching for a good class/program
*Latin (may start this next semester) Prima Latina-Versitas Press