"I am the Bread of life; he who comes to me will not hunger, and he who believes in me will never thirst"- John 6:35
The verse above has been my meditation for today. To be full in Jesus, to be content in Him being the Bread of life just sparks so many emotions within my heart. I've been learning what it truly means to feast at the LORDS table. To really learn what it means to have my soul fatten in Jesus Christ.
I've also seen how I have made myself at home with the world by wanting to eat a little of what it may have to offer. Believing it will satisfy..what LIES!!
I have desperately needed to be more spiritual nourished. Many times I feel as if I am pouring so much out that I'm not taking enough in for myself in order to serve the Lord and His people as I should. I love the promise found in that verse, if I come to Lord daily, HE will feed me and I shall be satisfied. When I believe Him and take Him at those words, he shall always and for eternity quench this thirst I tend to have. This world has nothing to offer me, yet, I find myself trying to feast at it's tables. May the Lord continuously, graciously help me to put an end to the lies. Nothing, will never satisfy me as He does. NOTHING!
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied"-Matthew 5:6
The verse above has been my meditation for today. To be full in Jesus, to be content in Him being the Bread of life just sparks so many emotions within my heart. I've been learning what it truly means to feast at the LORDS table. To really learn what it means to have my soul fatten in Jesus Christ.
I've also seen how I have made myself at home with the world by wanting to eat a little of what it may have to offer. Believing it will satisfy..what LIES!!
I have desperately needed to be more spiritual nourished. Many times I feel as if I am pouring so much out that I'm not taking enough in for myself in order to serve the Lord and His people as I should. I love the promise found in that verse, if I come to Lord daily, HE will feed me and I shall be satisfied. When I believe Him and take Him at those words, he shall always and for eternity quench this thirst I tend to have. This world has nothing to offer me, yet, I find myself trying to feast at it's tables. May the Lord continuously, graciously help me to put an end to the lies. Nothing, will never satisfy me as He does. NOTHING!
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied"-Matthew 5:6