Just for Laughs

Here is funny story I found on the web...aleast the sister was trying to practice what the scripture says.."the righteous ponders how to answer.." ha!

"A few years ago I was Christmas shopping by myself. As I hurried past the stores I saw a large UNICEF display set up ahead and could tell that the people running it were asking shoppers for donations. I had to pass it but didn't like to, as my husband and I plan our giving together and I hate telling people "no" when they ask for money. "Just say 'no' and keep walking," I told myself. A woman at the booth caught my eye as I approached. "Just say 'no' and keep walking," I told myself again. The woman stepped towards me and asked, "Do you like children?" Without thinking, I said "no" and kept walking. I was too flustered to stop or explain, but I peeked back over my shoulder at the woman and will never forget the look of shocked disgust on her face