Hospitality Tips

Romans 12:13: "Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality"
1 Peter 4:9: "Show hospitality to one another without grumbling."

Talk about convicting..I have delt with this in my heart . those around me may not witness it outwardly..but I have been battling this thang greatly in my heart..I am fighting to set it straight..

Here is what I thought was an encouraging blog post about hospitality.. I know for me there are times when I just want to close the door on the world..but then i hear that sweet whisper reminding me, who it is that I am serving.. who am I kidding..thats just my husband trying to be junior holy spirit..(*thank you baby, I hear you*) In any case, I am encouraged, convicted and provoked to open my home

Enjoy my sweet friends.. and have a God fearing, thankful weekend!!

"I think probably the bottom line of most of these challenges is one little word that I don’t like to admit, but I have to say it’s been true so often in my own life. It’s the word selfishness. In fact, let me read to you what one author wrote. He said, “Selfishness is single greatest enemy to hospitality. We do not want to be inconvenienced. We do not want to share our privacy or time with others. We are consumed with our personal comforts. We want to be free to go about our business without interference or concern for other people’s needs. We don’t want the responsibility and work that hospitality entails. We are greedy and don’t want to share our food, home, or money. We are afraid that we will be used or that our property will sustain damage.”
So when it comes down to the heart of hospitality, when I exercise hospitality, I’m running head-on into the selfishness that often defines who I am. I’m saying I’m not going to live as a selfish single woman or as a selfish married woman. I’m going to run head-on into the face of that and give. As I give, I find that God deals with the root of the selfishness in my heart. I find that selfishness being replaced by genuine giving, sacrificial love, and that’s the heart of hospitality.
" --Nancy Leigh Demos
( of course)