The Heart of Missions

"God does everything he does in creation and redemption for his own glory. Therefore, the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever, that is, to glorify God by enjoying him for ever. We cannot add to God's glory. We can only reflect its value by enjoying it, adoring it, praising it, worshipping it, and being so satisfied by it that our hearts are guarded from other attractions.

The reason man was created in the beginning and the reason the church is being recreated in the end is for the worship of God. Missions therefore is neither God's primary end nor the primary end of the church. It is a means to the primary end of worship. Missions exists because worship doesn't. There will be no missions in the age to come. Worship will be our life. Missions is not our ultimate goal. It is a means to our goal.

We cut off the power of the cause of missions when we give it a place in our churches and in our hearts that belongs only to worship. If the pursuit of man's good is not ordered below the pursuit of God's glory in the priorities of the church and the affections of the heart, man will not be well served and God will not be honored."
--John Piper

**picture above was taken for the girls camp at Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts