
F.A.I.T.H.- F.abulous A.dventures I.n T.rusting ...I heard that spoke today at my little girl school during her chapel service and I nearly laughed and fell out from the encouragement!
Fab-U-LOUS!! yes, that is what this walk with the LORD is, yes, it can be challenging at times, but, its all about YOUR perspective of things ( are your thoughts derived from scripture or the world, or are you just selfish??)

I believe FAITH is what is encouraging me to continue to fight in love for the girls in my hood. They have been through so many miscarriages, so many abusive many molested by their fathers, one girl parents are divorced due to the dad sleeping with his daughter, numerous times. These girls are on the hunt for love, significance, TRUTH, fulfillment.. yet, I can be selfish and times and forget that I have what their hearts long for, what their souls cant rest without having. Its so easy in urban ministry to forget that the LORD is at work when we don't see results as fast as we want to see them...when the girls don't respond as we would like, when a parent wont step in and keep her child out of the streets all times of the night...when mothers leave their children at my home, with no baths, nothing eaten all day, when their sons turn out to be the drug addicts and/or drug sellers in our area..

All of these are just adventures, yes, crazy, SOVEREIGN , PREDESTINED ADVENTURES in TRUSTING HIM...

"S" has always stood out as a leader to me. She is very wise beyond her years, I think...She thinks alot, she listens really well during bible study...She called me late last night to ask me to pray for her, she was having a rough week. To suspect and find your "baby Daddy" cheating is so hurtful...I was so proud to hear how she handled the situation..She assured her baby daddy that she was a different person and that she did not want to handle this situation like she would have in the past. She proceeded to tell him how hurt she was, YET, she explained to him that this just may have been the LORD making it easy for her to not practice sexual immorality with him any longer( she really said that to HIM!!) She explained to him that she was not going down that road anymore and that she was CHANGING.

That was the LORD, I am so thankful to the FATHER to graciously show me that there is one heart that HE is CHANGING..( even if HE had never shown me that.. I should still TRUST HIM and continue to sow seeds of FAITH.)
"S" is changing her future, she is aiming to work hard at ending the ongoing cycle of teen parenting...She wants her daughter to have a family and future she never had...Yes, i believe the LORD is that powerful that HE can and HE is doing just that for her...He never sleeps, nor slumber, and as she calls out to HIM, HE WILL TELL her great and unsearchable things that she does not even know..
Please continue to pray for all these girls.. That they would understand the truth of the scriptures and that they would be apart of a generation that that practices sexual purity for the glory of GOD! .Change takes time and patience, pray that Delta and I will remember that as we fight to lay our lives down for those that have not yet tasted and seen that the LORD is good.

I am headed to Chicago for the True Woman '08 Conference, so I will be away from my blog the rest of the week...Please pray for my trip and have a wonderful, and restful week. :)