With Love, From A Neighbor

Okay.. I know that I said that I was not going to post anything, but I had to share with you this amazing letter from one of our older neighbors...She mailed the letter to Delta and B.k.'s house with both of our families name on it...
Ministry for us has been a little heavy, heavy in a sense of trying to carry so many burdens, focus on the new ministry building, and wrestling with what to do about out of control teens...but the LORD, who is OUR HELPER, has promised to never leave nor forsake us.. I am most thankful for how HE in the right timing will send the most ENCOURAGING words for us to persevere and to remind us that our labor here is not in vain..HE did not have to do this, but HE DID BECAUSE OF HIS UNFAILING LOVE for us!

This is what the letter said:

" To the Kelly and King families,
This Saturday is a special day designated to show love. the best way for me to do this and let you know how I feel is to speak from my heart. When I first met you I was not very friendly, it took me a while to really get to know you.
I found two caring and loving families and I am truly glad you have open your hearts and your homes to me and my family and for that I am grateful. Coach and Kevin you are doing a great work for the westside you have really dedicated your time and effort to help these kids, for this you should be commended. I know it takes a lot of hard work and prayer for this to happen. I am reminded of a special song, we have come this far by faith leaning on the LORD trusting in HIS holy word, he never fail me yet. Don't ever be discouraged when troubles in your lives, just take your cares to Jesus and he will brighten up your life. Keep up the good work. In closing I would like to leave the motto from my high school class, " We have crossed the stream, the river lies ahead""

Peace, Joy, and Love,

Lord, thank you!! What a humbling thing to know you are using us to rebuild the city for CHRIST one neighbor at a time. Please continue to show all of us here your glory!