Favorite Hood Hobbies

One of the many things I enjoy about living on Westcott is having the opportunity to watch and partake in my favorite childhood games.

For example, Double Dutch!!!! Okay, I was a beast when it came to jumping rope!! I could not wait to get out of school and break out a old phone cord ( or two) or my grandmothers clothes line. My girl friends and I would jump for hours and hours out in the middle of the street or in my drive way. :)

Hopscotch!! Boy oh boy!! I get excited just thinking about the fun I had in my neighborhood!! This game was so simple yet, we never got bored playing...we would use little marbles to toss on the numbers, or hop on one foot onto the squares. Whatever the case, we had a ball playing this game until the street lights came on..lol

Chinese Jump Rope!!

" Jump in, jump out, jump side to side, jump on, jump in, jump out"

How fun was this....not sure who taught me, and when it began, but Chinese jump rope was the best!!!
I must admit, the rope that was to be tightly held around your ankles tore mine up! my goodness...

Hip Hop Dancing!!

In elementary and high school me and my girlfriends formed a dance crew. This was one of favorite things to do. We would rehearse for school talent shows outside in my garage for all to see..LOL..we just knew we were the stuff. We knew because we were! LOL...though I could never do a head stand as you see in this pic..BUT.....

the girls here on westcott did teach me how to do the 'STANKY LEGG' at the sleepover a couple of weeks ago...yes, I did say stanky leg...check it out here. I went to wake kai up in the morning for school sometime after the sleepover and of course the first thing she sings is .."mama" do the stanky legg'... oh gosh..'good morntin to you to kaiya' haaaaaa!!!

As I look back at all the positive, fun things I did growing up, it kinda helps me to see all of my memories of the hood and burbs were all not as bad as I thought they were. Its funny to see the kids here still keeping many of these fun activities alive today. I am thankful for that :)

What were some of your FAVORITE childhood games or hobbies?? Do share :)