My Declaration

I love praying through scripture! There is just something about reading God's word and praying exactly those things in which HE DESIRES for your heart to be drawn to. I was reading Acts 20 :22-24 a couple of weeks ago and I thought...that's it LORD, this is what my life purpose is about..this is what I have been brought her for. Here meaning, life, marriage, motherhood, urban ministry. Here is Acts 22 in my own words......

And now, compelled by the spirit, we are going to Westcott, not knowing what will happen to us there. I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns us that hardships ( and maybe prison) are facing us. However, we only hope, by God's GRACE to consider our lives worth nothing to us, we ask you LORD to help us finish the race and complete the task the LORD Jesus has given us-the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace so that others will see our lives, and fall to their knees and worship Jesus as LORD and SAVIOR. We pray for your Name ALONE to be exalted!
