I wish, I really wish you could see the look of excitement and hear the beat of my heart about our new project! A couple of weeks ago Delta informed me that a mutual friend of ours and her mom wanted to meet with me about something they thought would be great for our neighborhood. Long story short, I met with the ladies here at my home last week . It turns out my friend mom is apart of the Master Gardeners here in Montgomery. Her heart is to help me begin a Community Garden here on the property of our new ministry site ( I will most surely post pics later)!! What will be some of the many benefits of a Urban Community Garden??
- the Garden will help people to reclaim their neighborhoods turning filth into beauty
- produce fresh, organic and delicious food
- Gardening gives kid and young people a productive, educational and confidence-building activity ( lets night forget the bible lessons that can be taught:)
- the Garden will provide daily recreation and social interaction for retirees
- provide income(maybe)
- providing healthier alternatives for those who live in our hood..and many,many more
So, we need your prayers friends.I will meet with my friends again tomorrow to go over many other details in getting the ball rolling on this. We are asking many local friends and places to donate soil, plants and flowers to help cut cost. Would you pray with us that this would be successful and honor the LORD in a way that we have never seen. Many of my neighbors I have talked with are thrilled over the garden and cant wait to help. Just think of the dignity and pride that comes in going to pick fresh fruit and vege's in a garden that YOU help start. Think about the joy that will cover the faces of our kids when they learn about different vege's and then they have the option of preparing and cooking some of them in our new ministry building kitchen!!!?? Maybe, our teens will be just as proud and excited as these guys were. Whatever is to come, I am excited and thankful!
Now..all we need is a name...any suggestions??