Attitude Of Gratitude

Psalm 140:13 says, “The righteous shall give thanks to your name.”

"The person who gives thanks evidences that he has a righteous heart. Remember we said that the Gospel is guilt, grace, and gratitude.You see, the person who knows that he was a guilty, undeserving sinner deserving of God’s wrath knows that God has poured out His grace upon Him and that God by His grace has made him righteous through Christ. That person is going to be a grateful person. The person who’s been made righteous, who knows he has no righteousness of his own, he will be a grateful person because he knows he has no hope of ever being righteous apart from the cross and the grace and the love of Christ. So a thankful heart is an indicator of our real heart condition."
-Nancy Leigh Demoss

I have so much to be thankful for. So much so that I cant even begin to talk about here. I will say I am thankful for a patient, godly, compassionate husband and one very darling daughter, whom I love so very much. I confess this year I have chosen to whine a lot about things that have been going on. This Thanksgiving I really, really believe will be different.( LORD willing my days after that) I have learned and have been stretched and challenge much in my marriage, parenting and love for neighbors over the past three years. Yet, I am thankful for it all. I have been overwhelmed with numerous opportunities to show the LOVE and present the Gospel to all those around me. I have failed many times, even still Gods GRACE has always been there to clean up my mess. This thanksgiving I want to remember all that the LORD has done. I want to remember the times I was in shackles to the times that HE has set me free. Sanctification is a beast, but its one that I would not mind dancing with for all of eternity. You see its there that I meet my Savior face to face. Knowing Him in the fellowship of HIS sufferings being conformed into His image.

Happy Thanksgiving. I pray that it is one FILLED with RADICAL GRATITUDE!!

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.
-Colossians 3:15-16