This was the first verse Red memorized and recited to me during our weekly D-group meeting. I was so proud of her!! After reciting her verse she says, “I get it, and I memorized it, I didn’t think I would remember”!!! then she gives this cute, crazy laugh she always has when she is proud of herself. (LOL) This was such an exciting time . She is growing leaps and bounds in her walk with the Lord. She is responding well to accountability and she also growing in understanding the importance of what it means to be consistent in her daily devotional life. We are studying the Black Book published by Campus Outreach Ministries along side the book of 1 John. She recently had the chance to attend the New Years Conference sponsored by Campus Outreach and sense then her growth and conviction to do what is pleasing in the sight of the Lord has grown tremendously!!!
She has recently enrolled in college, and is own her way to attain her drivers license. We couldn't be more proud of her and thankful to the LORD (because HE is the ONE doing all this, NOT US!!!!!)
Please continue to pray for ‘Reds’ maturity. Pray that she becomes convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demon, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate her from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Pray she would continue to learn and grow in what it means to walk her faith out practically.
Pray as well that I would lovingly admonish her, teaching her with all wisdom. This has been the beginning of such a precious friendship!