Oh, this is exactly how I feel when I look around my neighborhood. Thisl, is a brother who grew up in very similar situations as a lot of our kids here. His testimony of Gods grace is amazing. What I love about this artist is his honesty (from what I have read and heard in his lyrics) and transparency in His walk with the Lord. Its soooo refreshing!! Those in our neighborhood need to see cats like this, whom the Lord has redeemed for His Kingdom. It shows that change is possible through Christ Jesus. Hope, is the key word here people, HOPE!! (lol) I am encouraged every time I play his cd in my car. I must add the kids and adults here play it out. LOL
Check it out below after listening to this song written by him. Please pray with me that God would raise up other indigenous leaders such as Thisl in hoods everywhere.Pray as well for Thisl and other Holy Hip Hop artist that they would continue to grow in wisdom, stature and favor with both God and men as they preach the gosple through their music to a dying world!