Taking A Break(well....maybe)

I'm back!!!!! Not that you noticed I was gone. (lol) I left this past Thursday with a group of staff as well as neighborhood moms to attend the True Woman '10 Conference.. Boy oh Boy, do I have some things to write here. But...not today. I am going to use this week to chill with my man and my daughter and I promise to come back and share some nuggets with you. It was amazing! I love my God, I am encouraged to pursue Him with all that I have. I am experiencing TRUE freedom, GRACE, and joy in my walk with the Lord (FINALLY!!!!!!!!) and I am loving every bit of it. Trials and all!!!! To God be the Glory!!!

** oh, and with the permission from those at revive our hearts. I plan on selling(half of the price) a ticket that can be used at one of the TWO True Woman Conferences that are coming up. If you are interested leave me your email address (mrsnicolek!yahoo.com) and I will contact you. Proceeds will go to our ministry. :)