When I first heard this song, I held back tears of conviction, and I felt very sad for the kids who spend hours in my home. After spending a week away at Camp Blue Lake, me and my staff partner took two sisters home to find, as usual, their mom and step dad not there. Theses kids have been gone for a week. The mom, whom says earlier on the phone,"I'll be there", wasn't. I have had issues with this mom in the past and her life style consist of neglect and carelessness. I am many times angry and frustrated at how these kids( and many others) have to parent themselves. What sad times. This song also made me think of my own child. It provoked me to really sit and think about how I TOO maybe neglecting my own. Me, a mom who home schools and does urban ministry, who teach bible studies and spend time with the orphan and fatherless. Has my child been a priority? Or have I been to busy working in doing other things. Its so easy to forget those who are closest to you.(which is so sad) Often times we believe the lie that ministering outside the home is more valuable and important than what we do inside. I have to check myself on this OFTEN! I am thankful for this song and the reminder that it brings, to examine myself and my motives in all that I do.
In the song Parent Me-Json puts himself into the shoes of several different children and expresses their feelings of neglect and abandonment due to parents who are simply not there for them. Again the last verse is the MOST convicting because its about a pair of parents who have invested all of their time and energy into the needs of a local church, leaving nothing remaining for their own child. Lord, may this not be ANY OUR OUR testimonies. Sorry I don't have lyrics. Its a new song off of a new album so you will have to really listen intently. Enjoy and be challenged!