Last weekend, we hosted our first annual Fall Fam Fest. This joyous occasion was a time for us to give our parents a visible and practical view of what a day after school is like for their kids when they come to our ministry building. It was such a fun time! I walked around the whole day just feeling overwhelmed with happiness, and hope. This was huge for us as a ministry because we haven't really engaged the parents like this before. Though, many didn't come , we chose to give thanks to all those God sent out. The parents spent the afternoon ( in 3 groups) rotating between the five learning stations that their kids spend time in each day. In those stations they heard from each staff member as to what specifically the kids were experiencing on a daily basis. It was amazing! The only sad part about the day for me was the lack of men presence. We did have a couple of dads, and uncles, but for the most part it was all WOMEN. This is such a burden and sad reality. I know what its like to grow up in a home without a dad and mom had to play the roles as both. As a child you deal with a great amount of loneliness, bitterness, anger and you just feel so unloved by the one who isn't there. Please pray for the men in our community. Most are locked up, some are just not around, some are living down the street from their own kids and don't even acknowledge them. Leaders are so important in Gods kingdom, I am praying the Lord does an amazing work with this next generation in spite of what they grow up seeing.
Here are a few photos of our day. Enjoy!
Here are a few photos of our day. Enjoy!