My Fear

When I was in the 6th grade, I remember hearing of a girl who was 11 and gave birth to a baby. Her body could not take the labor and so as a result, she died giving birth. That was my first introduction of kids having kids. It scared me..for a little while. When I entered Junior high I was introduce to many sexual games, movies and magazines. When I entered High School I became sexually active as a result of peer pressure. Someone posted a ink to an article on my Facebook page. The link was about some very sad news. I am burden and a bit shocked that things have gotten this bad. Yet, the bible says that there is NOTHING new under the SUN. I believe that is TRUE, I also believe that GOD has a plan and will use HIS PEOPLE to work, and share the message of HOPE with these girls who have fallen prey to such circumstances. 90 girls pregnant in a local Memphis High School. Watch and read the local news program about it here. This is a HUGE fear of mine for our girls, and girls everywhere!! This is why I firmly believe God would have me to do this purity study. To education, share my own experiences(testimony), and most importantly so that these girls would KNOW how much God values them and their bodies and how HE has a better plan for them, one that will protect them from so many spiritual, emotional, and physical damage.

Thank you to all of those who are helping or has helped with my purity study supplies. I am now only in need of 11 Kits by February 1st. Please continue to spread the word. May the Lord in HIS grace keep my hood from having the same story.

If you would like to donate towards our study please email me at
or send Checks to Common Ground Montgomery c/o Nicole King Purity Study
1516 Mobile Road -Montgomery,Al 36108

Purity Study Kits are $40. See them here!