Casting Vision

"Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. "-Proverbs 29:18

Gods word is so sufficient. I had the privilege of attending our first ever Spring Break College Vision tour with my husband and a couple other staff partners. It was amazing! I'm always blown away at all the new things the Lord brings into this ministry. "New" to us, but these things NEVER take God by surprise. He had all this planned before we got here.


The verse above as we know talks about God's word specifically. Where there is no word of God, (message of life) the people will perish and could continue in their foolish ways. God gave these kids a greater vision that week. A greater vision for the things of the Kingdom as it pertains to their worth, their dignity, their education, their overall future. God informed them that they have a chance to be different then the culture they live in, that they TOO can be great and accomplish great things for HIM! That TRUE SUCCESS ultimately comes from the Lord and not the world.

As I think about many of the kids I see from day to day walking our streets, in and out of juvie (youth detention centers), I often wonder what would happen to them if someone instilled into them a greater vision for their lives? Much of the crime I see in my hood I believes comes from kids or adults who don't dream anymore, who lack vision, who don't know their worth. God could use them to accomplish such great things for the Kingdom. How i pray everyone will hear this message.

The question asked on our vision trip was," what does it mean to be great?"

One student responded in saying, "To be great is to follow greatness himself".

This young girl may or may not have realized what she said, but there is some profound truth in that statement. To follow Christ is to follow greatness! Our prayer is for all the kids in our program to be convinced that to follow Christ is the best success one could ever attain. May the Lord use His church to minister effectively to the spiritual as well as the social needs of his creation.