So, you still want to germinate your own apple seeds
Sure. Let's give it a try.
Once you've finished chewing the core of your delicious apple, extract the seeds and leave to dry in a cool place until it the exterior is devoid of any moisture.
Then, place each one into a seedling tray and bury in some well-draining potting mix to about 10mm (1/2 in) deep. Cover or place the tray into a cold frame and leave until the seeds begin to germinate and sprout.
Once the seedlings have two or more leaf levels they can be potted out individually into bigger containers where they can continue to grow until they're ready to go in the ground.
Keep in mind that it usually takes 2-3 years for a nursery bought apple tree to produce fruit. So, plan to not see any results for at least 6+ years from an apple tree that's been propagated by seed.
At the CCDA conference this year, I walked away with so much information and so very much encouraged about the work the LORD has done and will do in our hood. I use to always find myself in thought, frustrated at the growth progress with the teen girls. "Are they really getting what we are saying"; " why would she do that after what we have just talked about last week in bible study".... I am so, by GODS grace over that struggle. One of my new, sweet, friends Lenita, who also happens to be involved with urban ministry taught a seminar at the conference on being a urban Youth Worker. I was highly encouraged!! One of the many points I walked away with from her seminar was the encouraging reminder found in 1 Corinthians 3:6, that's says :" I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth".
Just as in the directions above on how to plant your apple tree... we must remember that GOD has called us to plant seeds and and remember that HE is the ONLY ONE that who can cause the increase. After all that work of planting those seeds you have to wait around for as long as 6 plus years before you even begin to see fruit! wow!! Depending on how you view things, this may of may not be difficult. What peace it was in coming to grips with this truth..Delta and I are to just be around these girls and be a seed distribution center. Sowing seeds of Gospel peace, love, forgiveness, honesty, ect.. It is up to the LORD to reveal truth to them and whomever else it is in our neighborhood...
This past Wednesday night we celebrated two of the girls birthdays. One turned 17 the other 20. They were both surprised and we all had so much fun!!
The 20 year old who is apart of our study asked me if I could do one thing for here. She asked me make her out a schedule to help her read her bible everyday!! What hunger for the scripture!! ( she is a new believer)Then I got a text for her asking me if kevin would mind meeting with her baby daddy. Apparently, she has sat him down and shared with him information about her new life in Christ and told him about some of the changes she was making. This opened the door for him to share his fears about the church and religion. He told her he wanted what she had but he did not know where to start! Please be in prayer for this young guy! Please continue to pray for the new believer amongst us.
Not sure what type of seeds the LORD has used Delta and I to plant in these girls...BUt I am willing to wait patiently to see the fruit that will come to pass..its soo worth the wait.. (even in our own children, its worth it)