"You don't find it difficult to trust the Lord with the management of the universe. Can your situation be so complex that you need to be anxious about His management of you? Put such conceited ideas out of your mind! Take your stand on the power and trustworthiness of your God, and see how quickly all doubts will vanish before a steadfast determination to believe. Trust God in the dark and in the light; trust Him at night and in the morning. Although such faith may require a great effort to begin with, it will sooner or later become easy, natural, and habitual."
Okay...has anyone ever read this book before!!?? Oh my MY GOODNESS..'wherest thou have been all my life??!!!!" (lol) I can not begin to share how encouraged I have been in reading this book. Its almost to the point that as I read my bible the scriptures are alive...really...like I am beginning to take GODS PROMISES literally! Is this not how God wants his children to live..off of every word that he gives us..
Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Matthew 4
Hannah Whithall Smith was prompted to write this book when an agnostic said to her, "You Christians seem to have a religion that makes you miserable. You are like a man with a headache. He doesn't want to get rid of his head, but it hurts him to keep it" Stung by that criticism, this Quaker housewife realized for the first time that the Christian faith was meant to make it followers happy, not miserable....
This reminds me so much of John Piper's teachings on Christian Hedonism which says:
"Christian Hedonism teaches that the desire to be happy is God-given and should not be denied or resisted but directed to God for satisfaction. Christian Hedonism does not say that whatever you enjoy is good. It says that God has shown you what is good and doing it ought to bring you joy (Micah 6:8). And since doing the will of God ought to bring you joy, the pursuit of joy is an essential part of all moral effort. If you abandon the pursuit of joy (and thus refuse to be a Hedonist, as I use the term), you cannot fulfill the will of God."
I am learning so far that a few of the secrets to this happy life is TOTAL TRUST, SURRENDERED LIVING, and FAITH. The Christian life described in the scriptures is one of abiding REST and CONTINUAL victory. The Bible shows us a Savior who is able to save us from the power of sin as surely as He saves us from the penalty. Being a wife and mom is very challenging..you throw in missionary living in the hood and boy..you get a REAL crazy picture! Crazy in a sense of life being very busy,frustrating,weary,and uh, confusing..The Lord in His goodness, is reminding me in the midst of chaos, what FAITH is. Faith is simply BELIEVING GOD. Its not a possession,nor is it a religious exercise,or attitude of the heart. You know you have faith when you believe something. Faith is simply nothing more or less than just believing God. When He says in His word that He has done something for us, or that he will do it, I am learning that I MUST TRUST Him to do it!!
The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.-Psalm 29:11
Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.-Philippians 4:5-7
Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.- Psalm 23:6
No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly-Psalm 84:11
In her book Hannah talks about how, we all have trusted very important tasks to other people..mothers trust their precious babies to the care of relatives without great anxiety,we trust our health and lives EVERYDAY to cooks, bus drivers mechanics,engineers who built our cars, and all sorts of workmen who could kill us or ruin our lives in an instant, either deliberately or by a moment's carelessness. Just imagine how crazy and disastrous that would be to get up in the morning and not do anything because you decided that you would not have any more faith in any of the things stated about. Because they all take faith in order to live out, and we do it without any doubting or questioning. That blows my mind to think about that..how in the world do I place my trust in my bed to keep me off the floor as I sleep, but I cant trust my Savior to carry me throughout the day??? I am learning to let my faith confirm all of God's promises, moment by moment, believing Him to see me through every trial. Its time that as Christians we stop murmuring about all our issues and pains and take the LORD at HIS word!! In this, we shall all have the peace that surpasses all understanding and happiness that the LORD wants His children to have in HIM! Be Encouraged Saints! You are a BELIEVER!!!!!
Okay...has anyone ever read this book before!!?? Oh my MY GOODNESS..'wherest thou have been all my life??!!!!" (lol) I can not begin to share how encouraged I have been in reading this book. Its almost to the point that as I read my bible the scriptures are alive...really...like I am beginning to take GODS PROMISES literally! Is this not how God wants his children to live..off of every word that he gives us..
Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Matthew 4
Hannah Whithall Smith was prompted to write this book when an agnostic said to her, "You Christians seem to have a religion that makes you miserable. You are like a man with a headache. He doesn't want to get rid of his head, but it hurts him to keep it" Stung by that criticism, this Quaker housewife realized for the first time that the Christian faith was meant to make it followers happy, not miserable....
This reminds me so much of John Piper's teachings on Christian Hedonism which says:
"Christian Hedonism teaches that the desire to be happy is God-given and should not be denied or resisted but directed to God for satisfaction. Christian Hedonism does not say that whatever you enjoy is good. It says that God has shown you what is good and doing it ought to bring you joy (Micah 6:8). And since doing the will of God ought to bring you joy, the pursuit of joy is an essential part of all moral effort. If you abandon the pursuit of joy (and thus refuse to be a Hedonist, as I use the term), you cannot fulfill the will of God."
I am learning so far that a few of the secrets to this happy life is TOTAL TRUST, SURRENDERED LIVING, and FAITH. The Christian life described in the scriptures is one of abiding REST and CONTINUAL victory. The Bible shows us a Savior who is able to save us from the power of sin as surely as He saves us from the penalty. Being a wife and mom is very challenging..you throw in missionary living in the hood and boy..you get a REAL crazy picture! Crazy in a sense of life being very busy,frustrating,weary,and uh, confusing..The Lord in His goodness, is reminding me in the midst of chaos, what FAITH is. Faith is simply BELIEVING GOD. Its not a possession,nor is it a religious exercise,or attitude of the heart. You know you have faith when you believe something. Faith is simply nothing more or less than just believing God. When He says in His word that He has done something for us, or that he will do it, I am learning that I MUST TRUST Him to do it!!
The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.-Psalm 29:11
Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.-Philippians 4:5-7
Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.- Psalm 23:6
No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly-Psalm 84:11
In her book Hannah talks about how, we all have trusted very important tasks to other people..mothers trust their precious babies to the care of relatives without great anxiety,we trust our health and lives EVERYDAY to cooks, bus drivers mechanics,engineers who built our cars, and all sorts of workmen who could kill us or ruin our lives in an instant, either deliberately or by a moment's carelessness. Just imagine how crazy and disastrous that would be to get up in the morning and not do anything because you decided that you would not have any more faith in any of the things stated about. Because they all take faith in order to live out, and we do it without any doubting or questioning. That blows my mind to think about that..how in the world do I place my trust in my bed to keep me off the floor as I sleep, but I cant trust my Savior to carry me throughout the day??? I am learning to let my faith confirm all of God's promises, moment by moment, believing Him to see me through every trial. Its time that as Christians we stop murmuring about all our issues and pains and take the LORD at HIS word!! In this, we shall all have the peace that surpasses all understanding and happiness that the LORD wants His children to have in HIM! Be Encouraged Saints! You are a BELIEVER!!!!!