Forgetfulness and Ingratitude

“Forgetfulness and ingratitude go hand in hand” Nancy Leigh Demoss

I am reading Nancy Leigh Demoss new book Choosing Gratitude and I tell you what this sucker is convicting. I am such an ungrateful person. I will find something in my heart to murmur and or complain about. The Lord is definitely dealing with me on this, and I don't want to fight him on it. I loong for consistent JOY in my walk with the LORD. Though this study has been convicting, I am encouraged because the LORD in it is outlining ways in which JOY can be achieved for all of eternity. Once a week I received a email from Nancy's ministry, Revive Our Hearts, where other women(who happen to be reading the book as well) are discussing all that they are learning and challenged with in reading this book. So, after I read my chapter I go over to the blog and share what the LORD is teaching me. It has been encouraging to hear from women all around the world. Here is what I read over there this morning from the group facilitator:

".........I tend to forget who I was before Christ redeemed me. I forget the depravity of my sin; the bondage that was my daily reality; the hopelessness of being separated from God.

Remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ (Ephesians 2:12-13).
**This is my life verse by the way :)

A dangerous descent into ingratitude begins as the wonder of all Christ did in redeeming my lost soul and making me His precious daughter fades from my memory. Choosing Gratitude is reminding me there is a battle to be waged if I’m to resist this natural descent.

Here are a few of the practical steps you can take in this battle against ingratitude:

Think often on who you were apart from Christ, and who you are today, because of His mercy and grace. Remembering the life you’ve been redeemed from increases your gratefulness for who you are today. Considering what He’s done even in the last year brings a deeper sense of gratefulness . . . and gives hope for tomorrow.

Express gratitude to those who played a part in opening your eyes to the gospel. After sending a thank-you note, I’ve reconnected with the missionary who brought the gospel message across my path as a wandering teenager. This 80+-year-old man’s zeal and passion for the Lord continues to inspire me.

Hang out with new believers. Their love and enthusiasm for Christ is contagious. Because they have so recently stood in the shadow of the cross, gratitude oozes from their pores.

Return often to thoughts of the cross and the gospel. After 30+ years of knowing Christ, I’m just beginning to understand how important this really is. John Stott wisely said,

The cross is the blazing fire at which the flame of our love is kindled, but we have to get near enough to it for its sparks to fall on us.

Good huh?! What are some ways you are choosing gratitude today? Please share :)