Sooo, I have recently just joined to TWO clubs. (as if my life needed anything else you but they will be sooo good for my soul and intimacy with the LORD. One, which is the 5 am Club, I was a part of a while back , I have fallen off the wagon and I am looking forward to getting back on this week. The other is a new one which I am VERY excited about. The FAM Club. The FAM Club (Fast A Meal) is for those who want to fast one meal a week to pray for a family member’s salvation. I am praying that the LORD reveals himself to me in new ways and that my walk with Him will never look the same. I need this form of discipline in my life. So come on.. don't even have to pay a thing, membership is FREE and the rewards are eternal!
For more info on how you can be apart of these clubs, go here. Hope to see you there! :)