Dabar ('Promise') : 2 Peter 1:3

*Dabar (daw-bar) is Hebrew meaning Promise

I got this idea from a blog I read today. Every week (it looks like) this blogger post a Promise from God to remind herself. I love this idea. So, here, starting today, I will post every day after my time in the scriptures, a promise from Gods Word. Where I am right now in my life I need to read and remember all the promises I can get.

Today's Dabar(Promise) comes from:

2 Corinthians 9:8

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work

In my life many times I feel overwhelmed with the things I do. Being a Wife and a Mom are so important to me, yet I feel like such a failure all the time.(which I know I am because I CANT DO IT IN MY OWN STRENGTH) I love the kids from my neighborhood who are in my life as well, and even when it comes to them, I feel like a failure. I'm not perfect and I am not going to get it right all the time. I am so thankful for grace. Its during those times recently when I have failed, I hear the Lord offering me so much Hope through Jesus. The Lord providing for me what I need to make it through the calling He sets forth for me. God promises me that He will provided all of the grace I need for future purposes. His grace will be there for me as a wife, mom, missionary,friend, bible teacher, sister and daughter. What Hope, I don't have to get it together, I don't have to know all the answers. Jesus, our Great Shepherd has done it all! I live victorious through Him. As John Piper once said, the battle is to believe. "Faith stands on the promise of God and waits and hopes in weakness and peace. And, of course, that waiting and hoping is part of today's mercy. Part of today's mercy is the ability to trust that there will be sufficient mercy for tomorrow. And we trust in that because God promises it in 2 Corinthians 9:11.(and Lamentations 3) But in spite of all the peace that faith can bring about today, it is not yet tomorrow's mercy or tomorrow's power. There's a difference. And that's why there is such a battle that goes on. We want the feeling of adequacy today for what we will have to go through tomorrow. But God says, Trust me. I will give it to you when you need it. "
I pray God uses this simple truth to encourage you as He has done for me this evening.