Note to self: 1. stop being so hoood and turn the music down. 2. step in front of the camera. 3. Figure out how to work the Mac so that we can see a complete recording. I tried friends,I tried. lol Anyway, here is a list of the things Chakira "Cha Cha" would love for you to pray about: (in her exact words)
1. Her Anger, that the Lord would help her to not provoke others and help her to not be so angry with the people around her
2. Dis obedience, because "I still disobey" when I know I'm not suppose to. She says ask God to help her do whats right.
3. For her hood- that God would save the gang bangers, drug users and dealers and that they would live for him. That many hearts in the hood would be changed.
She is an amazing girl! It has been a joy having her around. She also wanted to say that she knows that God is changing her heart because he is using her favorite camp counselor to help her memorize scripture. (Shout out to Ms. "B-Free"-Brittany Freeman). She has challenged Cha Cha to hide Gods word in her heart by carry around bible verses that will help her in whatever attitude she is dealing with for the day. So Brittany will see her and say "Cha Cha, pocket" Cha Cha knows to go into her pocket and pull out her memory verse and read it. My hub and I have had the privilege of watching her mature into such a godly young woman. I was reading Psalm 130and it reminded me of her and our hood. In verse 7 the psalmist says "O Israel, hope in the Lord! For with the Lord there is steadfast love, and with Him is plentiful redemption....."
I just love how he says PLENTIFUL redemption... I wish you could see me, I am about to throw my bible at this computer! (lol) God promises to redeem not just us from our iniquities but from all forms of evil! Gods heart is to make all things new, to restore all that is broken. I am so encouraged, encouraged because I see that in the life of Cha Cha and other kids we minister too and I even it in my own life... God is at work, changing people around us, changing all forms of chaos to those of peace, and I see him right where we are... beginning in the hearts of these kids. That just makes my heart glad. Thanks for watching( reading and praying)...sorry about the cut off, I tried. lol