Then Sings My Soul Saturday-My Clothes,My Hair

"This song is the testimony of many people who are not as “churchy” in their appearance and therefore are led to believe that they are further from God because of their lack of church culture. More specifically, hip hoppers are often minimalized or treated as inferior to the person in a suit, when they come into the meeting place known as church. This causes some to wonder if God sees them the way “church folk” see them. The answer, as this song reveals is “No!” God looks at the heart and not the doo-rag and Timbs." - The Ambassador

Are you that church person? How many of us have given those different from us a reason to believe that God is not who He has revealed himself to be according to scripture? Are we too guilty of not loving our neighbors better than ourselves simply because they are different then us? That is what my Then Sings my Soul Saturday is about. The unreached and their heart.

Listen to what Ambassador says in the third verse:

I could weep/So many people never heard of the name,Yeah they heard the word “Jesus” but never heard of His fame/They feel cut off from Him /Not just ‘cause of their sin/But because of their clothes, hair, or their color of skin /And they’ve been afloat—drowning in sin, we’ re in a boat/Yet they’ve never been approached /‘Cause we see them as different folks/God’s offer's universal—yeah/He wants you in His circle—yeah
He wants you in the do-rag /And He wants you in the purple hair/You can just take a cursory /Glance at the word and see/God made the plans of diversity /Is there one godly ethnic group/In church should we all wear one polyester suit/Or maybe rock sandals and robes, no ham I suppose/When we meet maybe we should only eat salmon and loaves/Should we only like the organ or the violin/I’m inquirin’, I admire men up in the choir and/Women..But one minute, why do some people assume that/God’s iPod ...Has no tunes that got the “boom-bap”/He’s with White, with Black, with Lat/With Asian with Rock, Country, Jazz, with Rap

I pray this song brings you to examine your heart and the many ways we judge others. Bring it all back in light of the scriptures. How we love our neighbor will give them a view of Gods heart and character.

Enjoy the song/video and remember to turn down the music player below. :) Read lyrics here.


So many people are hurt inside/Don’t even know him even though they might have heard of God/Can He love me? Will He hear my prayer?
Or, think I’m ugly cause of my clothes or cause my hair
I heard of a Savior that He bled and died/We could give Him our sin and we get life
Yet I wonder for me will He even care/When He sees my clothes and see hair

Man sees the outside
But God sees the inside
No matter your outside
Through faith He’ll come inside