I remember as a little girl watching my mom fight a boyfriend. Things got worst as he pulled a gun out on her and shot her in the leg in front of my younger brother and I. I remember hanging out with the local gangs and getting angry with someone riding up on ya turf, which meant handling conflict with gun fire and fist fights.
Hood mentality- we end our disputes and conflict through pain or death upon the other person.
Growing up that's all I saw. When you are mad you fight your differences out. Today, I was reminded that God has a BETTER way, and that way brings peace and healing to both parties involved.
I, along with a friend, mediated conflict tonight between two women in our hood. It was the most humbling, the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed in my life. Pain that runs deep for five years. Bitterness that have taken root and has grown into a full blown forest. BUT, GOD in his mercy, in HIS GRACE, in HIS GOODNESS, reconciled a wife with the woman whom her husband has slept around with for years. How does that happen?
By this POWERFUL Gospel that YOU and I have the privileged of preaching. No guns involved, no razors, no bats, only words of our Savior...
Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
I sat in that room tonight weeping for the hearts of these women, weeping with joy over Gods word as I watched the Holy Spirit use it transform lives.God IS doing something amazing, HE was right there in this room displaying HIS POWER in a way I had never seen. Oh, I am filled with so much joy, God knows what we need, we needed to see HIM WORK, we were hungry to see HIM MOVE around us. These ladies have a long journey ahead of them, but I do believe its promising. One that doesn't involve death, but life. One that Honors a RISEN King and displays His goodness to all those around them. This is the gospel at work, it doesn't get any better than this!
....and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.
Colossians 1:20