The Word of God is complete. The Word is relevant. The Word is good. The Word is clear. The Word is eternal. The Word is True.
The Church's response...
The Word transforms us. The Word makes us wise. The Word satisfies us. The Word enlightens us. The Word awes us. The Word makes us righteous. When the Word is absent in our worship..
Our response is manufactured. The result is pleasing to self. When the Word is apparent in our worship.. Our response is authentic. The result is pleasing to God.
We don't come to church to have some music change us, or some motivational words by the pastor to encourage us. God's word alone must be preached into the lives of the congregation.
The men(Elders) who lead us should be men who teach the Word of Christ. Men who know the WORD extensively and communicate the Word effectively.
The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.-1Timothy 5:17
I am so thankful for the men who are currently shepherding our flock and even the one who is to come. :) We must remember God's Word is very precious, we must thank Him for the privilege to sit under such teachers. We must also keep those in leadership in our prayers. The have such a heavy job before them. Let's give thanks today for dat Word! the song below was played during a small break in Secret Church. Check it out: