To know God, to hear from him clearly, to be in a place where things are broken, messy, and what may appear to be hopeless and SEE Him at work is just humbling and amazing to me. I woke up the past couple of nights hearing from the Lord. Having a heavy burden and weightiness to share the gospel with my neighbors like never before. I kept hearing Jeremiah 20:9 ...
But if I say, "I will not mention him or speak any more in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.."
I've had THREE moms within the past three days share with me their desire to be apart of a bible study in hopes of them knowing God. One mom tonight in our Christmas store shared with me how her 9 yr old is ministering to her.(she didn't use that exact word) What she said was,
" Nicole I just have to tell you that God must have brought yall here, my daughter has changed and I cant believe how God is using her to change me, I too need to change but I will need you to give me that extra push because I don't know how to do it by myself.." what a time I had sharing with Her about CHRIST and the power He wants to make available to her so that she can change and live for Him. This mom lives in one of the worst secs of a housing project in our neighborhood, random gun fire is known to brake out , many times in broad day light. Yet, this is where I believe the Lord wants me to go. I heard a sermon this past Sunday on God's Sovereignty in the birth of Christ. It was very encouraging to think about how God had been at work behind the scenes of all the events that lead up to Christ our KING being born in a manger.
I was also challenged as the minister shared that we as Christians must remember to NOT leave Jesus, little sweet baby Jesus in that manger. We must remember that Jesus grows up as a man, a WISE King who calls us to do things that will involve risk, FAITH, and love. Yes, this little sweet baby Jesus calls us to suffer for HIS NAME sake. As I reflect on Christ birth I am thankful for the Sovereignty of God. Nothing about the leaders, Mary, Joseph or where Christ was born was a mistake at that time. It was all apart of God's plan to send us a SAVIOR. There is so much comfort in knowing God is in control. I tell you, it is the only thing that makes my heart glad, encouraged and full when I witness many of the destructive patterns of those in my neighborhood. That mom yesterday looked me in the eyes and said, "Nicole, I know sometimes yall don't think you are making an impact, but you are, and people like me and my child are being changed, i just really wanted to share that with you"
I looked at her and responded by saying," my friend, it isn't us, its all Jesus, let me tell you what He has done for me and I know He wants to do the same for you".
Man, what a JOY and HONOR it is to share such wonderful news with others. I am so unworthy to carry this Gospel,(good news). God knew that too, and so in that He uses weak, men and women to accomplish ONLY something He can do, so that ALL would know WHO HE IS! God is at work here, I must ALWAYS remember this. Every detail is apart of His Sovereign plan.
"Not to us, O LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness."
-Psalm 115:11
“...but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed..."- John 3:b