Signed Up To Die

I'm always encouraged by the blogs I read.  Some I have listed here, many I don't (only because I hate clutter and for some odd reason I feel like if I add anymore to this site your brain may have a melt down).
The Pastor of our church plant Strong Tower at Washington park, wrote one of the MOST convicting, real, yet encouraging blog post. I wanted to share it with you. I won't post it in its entirety, but I will leave you with the link to check it out. God has only one goal for us here on earth, thats to  KNOW HIM & make HIM known and to all. No matter what the cost, we are called as believers to DIE daily.

Its what we signed up for when Jesus called us to discipleship and we said yes. I pray the message in this blog post brings me to remember the cost of discipleship and the joy of counting this world and all it has to offer as a lost so that I may KNOW HIM.