
Unashamed Tour 2008

Before you Die

Just Hanging Out

What an Honor

13 Letters-The Curriculum

New Blog

My Only Hope, is to cling to You

My Power Source

Something In Common

Common Ground Weekly Update- June 20,2008

LIES vs TRUTH-The great Tug of War

My 5 word Meme

Camp Westcott has begun!


Lord have mercy!

What's with that dark cloud over your head?

So You Think You Can Dance

Why I believe the Bible


Titus 2 at work

Humility: Coming to God on His Terms

Raising a Family in the Hood

Living in the Hood for the Long Haul

My earnest prayer

Learning to Like your Children

His Love Endures Forever

Food for thought

Common Ground Weekly Update- June 2, 2008

Rethinking ministry to the poor??